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22 July 2024

Staff Excellence Awards: Our 2023 Winners


Our amazing winners for our 2023 Staff Excellence Awards

Richard, North Lanarkshire

First up, Richard from North Lanarkshire won our Outstanding Act of Kindness: Richard helped a member of staff going through a tough, personal time. He checked in with them and allowed them to chat through their feelings. Well done Richard! 

SocialTile12Kate, Improvement & Quality

Kate won our Outstanding Customer Service Award:

"Kate is committed to our customers and she strives hard to include them and engage them in so many different areas of life." Congratulations Kate!

SocialTile17Linda, Little Acorn for Creativity & New Ideas

A "well kent" face for creativity and new ideas, we celebrated Linda from Craigmillar in our 2023 Staff Excellence Awards. Nominated multiple times, Linda was instrumental in creating our in-house activity library, our Vines of Time project, and activities during lockdowns.

SocialTile14Elaine, Living Our Values Everyday

Elaine was a joint winner in our LOVE category, nominated for displaying all five of our charity values. Here's an excerpt from her nomination:

"Elaine recently supported a team member through a bereavement, taking personal time to be a reliable source of support. Her positivity is infectious, she listens to what people say and understands what they want to achieve"

SocialTile15Graham, Living Our Values Everyday

Graham was joint winner in our LOVE category in 2023, and with over 20 years of service, he was a very worthy winner! Some examples from his nomination:

"Graham wasn't happy with the quality of the fruits and veg given to the people we support, so actively sought out new suppliers for us to use. He has even catered weddings and parties for his colleagues as gifts. Graham creates ideas with his food committee for people to enjoy, such as Come Dine with Me nights, KFC fake-away and more!"

SocialTile16Lauren, Outstanding Leadership

Lauren leads Edinburgh Children's Service, an actively and quickly growing provision of Capability Scotland. Lauren's nomination pointed out how she has exemplified positive leadership through growing her services in terms of the amount of people we can support there and revenue for the business. 

"Most of all, she has guided and developed team leaders, enabling them to do more and with more independence".

SocialTile18Liz, Excellence in Inclusive Communications

With five separate nominations in this new category, Liz took home the trophy. 

"Liz has spent lots of time supporting people to get involved in Have Your Say meets. She's worked tirelessly to support research projects with Dundee University, the SCLD, and even for people taking part in Scottish Government projects".


Upper Springland, Team of the Year

"The entire staff team have continued to deliver excellent care to everyone despite a large amount of staff vacancies. Managers and Team Leaders support on the floor delivering care; current staff support, mentor and train others; extra shifts are picked up to help; and the people we support enjoy their activities and life at Upper Springland"


Rebecca, The Chief Executive's Award

Our final award winner was Rebecca, chosen specifically by our Chief Executive for her dedication to her service. Rebecca spearheaded Team Leader development sessions regularly, improving the knowledge and skills of our Team Leaders across the charity. She supported the delivery of a new service brought into Capability Scotland (our expanded Dumfries & Galloway provisions), and has now gone on to become the Service Manager of Dumfries.
