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J52 Group PhotoJunction 52 is a day opportunities service which offers a variety of activities which can be building-based or out in the community. You can choose what you take part in, whether sailing in the Clyde, going to local groups to meet other people, or participating in the fun at our centre.

We are a unique service who pride ourselves in creating life experiences and supporting you to achieve your outcomes.

Junction 52 has a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, and a warm welcome awaits you. We’re based in Penilee Community Centre and would welcome you to join our brilliant service.

Activities For You

We offer a range of enjoyable pursuits to get involved in: metafit, dance, art, sports, karaoke, Boccia, music, bingo, Makaton choirs, cooking, and home skills.

We have volunteer opportunities for you to take on areas of responsibility to help out within our service if you wish to do so.

We have a social events committee and new members are always welcome. The committee plan our famous parties and social events that we have throughout the year.

If you prefer, we have spaces for you to take time out and relax in our sensory room with our magic carpet and calming lights or sitting in our arms chairs in the TV areas.

A Welcoming Environment

We offer a respectful, encouraging, and exciting environment and operate an open-door policy at Junction 52, promoting inclusion, and empowering you to share your thoughts on how we develop your service.

All our activities are adapted to suit your needs, so you'll always be included in what you want to do.

Junction 52 promotes opportunities for you to make your voice heard and make changes to local and national issues affecting disabled people.

"Coming to Junction 52, I get to spend time with my friends and have a chat with staff, it’s the best time of the week" - Shirley, person we support.

"We are lucky with the building we have and without it, we couldn’t invite others to join in our sports day and parties. We have made lots of new connections over the last two years." - Christine, person we support.

Junction 52, Glasgow 10 Gleddoch Road,
G52 4BD
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Junction 52, Glasgow

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